Thursday, October 28, 2010

My A

An Amazing Artist
Intelligent, Inquisitive
Daydreamer, Dare Devil
Respectful, Responsible, Rowdy, Rambunctious
Inwardly Intellectual
Kindhearted, Knowledgeable

Magnificent Model Maker
Immense Imagination 
Grandiose, Great, Gentle, Grumpy =) 
Upbeat, Unorganized, Utterly Unbeatable
Energetic, Eagerly Educated, Exuberant
Lackadaisical, Likable, Laughing Lego Lover

Humorous, Hospitable, Handsome Handyman
Excitedly Enthusiastic Entertainer
Randomly Rebellious, Reflective, Resolute
Noisy, Neighborly, Nonstop
An Ambiguous, Ambitious, Aspiring Aviator
Nonchalant, Nosy, Nostalgic
Delightfully Determined, Decisive, Dramatic
Empathic, Encouraging, Erratically Excellent
Zealous, Zany



  1. Oh my goodness Sara... can I pretty please {with a cherry on top} steal this idea?

    They say that imitation is the best form of flattery, right?


  2. Thanks CaS! And of course you can =) I am working on Amilio's right now, but it will probably take me forever (again)...Our last name about killed me!

  3. Sure do love this kid!!!!! What a sweetheart! And I do love this idea...Maybe I will just do the boys'...Adri's will be too much. LOL

  4. ummmm yeah it was a great idea when I started it...Im about half way though amilios name, trying to not use the same words twice for either boy...which is pretty hard since their names have the same initials and are the same length!
